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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
A Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) qualitative field studies in Ulu Baram, a remote area Sarawak, has discovered the relationship of the universe with signs that form the symbol of the intellectual value in the life of the indigenous Penan. Researchers detected, analyzed and described several cases studied which related to specific individual consciousness and its relationship to intellectual symbols that make up the heritage of education within indigenous Penan. The result is an establishment for a culture of creativity with their own traditions of thoughts. The metaphoric nature in the descriptive and philological signs expressed are evident from the practice of agricultural activities and forest life during this time, making the living environment and the objects that were created form an element of symbolism. The studies revealed that customs, beliefs, practice and the art, structured a remarkable educational value system in the ethnic creative accomplishment of the Penan. |
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