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Type :article
Subject :L Education
Main Author :Ramlee bin Ismail
Additional Authors :Jarrod Sio Jyh Lih
Title :Binary logistic regression analysis of teacher self-efficacy factors influencing literacy and numeracy
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Full Text : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This paper discusses the teacher efficacy factors contributing to student achievement in literacy and numeracy in 105 primary schools within Sibu division, Sarawak, Malaysia. The study observed high levels of practice for teacher efficacy. The t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the differences between gender, teaching experience and academic qualification. The study reported significant differences in respondent perceptions based on teaching experience. Here, the post hoc Tukey test revealed that efficaciousness grows with years of teaching experience. A correlation test observed a significant relationship between the independent variable with student achievement in literacy. Binary logistic regression was applied to predict the influence of teacher efficacy on literacy and numeracy. The findings revealed that a dimension of teacher self-efficacy – efficacy in student engagement - emerged as the best predictor for student achievement for English literacy (LBI). The result indicated that for every 1-point increase in the self-reported efficacy for student engagement, the school was .014 times less likely to achieve 100% literacy rate for LBI. In conclusion, the teacher’s self-efficacy in student engagement had a negative influence on the mastery of basic literacy for the English language, hence necessitating a closer inspection of the variable within the context of LINUS2.0. However, more comprehensive studies are needed to ascertain its consistency as well as investigating positive predictors for literacy.   


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