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Type :thesis
Subject :RA Public aspects of medicine
Main Author :Tufail, Muhammad Waseem
Title :The efficacy of psycho-physical interventions for obesity and associated factors among Pakistani women: A randomized controlled trial study
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2018
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The study aims to measure the effectiveness of psychological and physical interventions for obesity and associated factors. The psycho-physical interventions are the combination of  cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), exercise, and diet management to reduce obesity diagnostic  factors such as body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist- to-hip ratio (WHR), and percent body fat  (PBF) among Pakistani women. The same interventions targeted obesity associated factors such as  eating behavior, sedentary behavior, body image, and self-control. Through a randomized control  trial repeated measure design, the study recruited 128 females by employing panel data technique on  the basis of inclusion criteria (BMI>25 kg/m2). The sample were distributed into four equal groups  using online permuted block randomization. Experimental group-1 (CBT + Exercise) received weekly sessions for 10 weeks of cognitive behavior therapy along with exercise  execution. Experimental group-2 (CBT + Diet) received weekly sessions for 10 weeks of cognitive  behavior therapy with diet management plan. Experimental group-3 (CBT + Exercise + Diet) also  received weekly sessions for 10 weeks of CBT along with exercise execution and diet plan. Group-4  (control) attended weekly sessions for 10 weeks but were provided information only. The results  found that the intervention-3 significantly (treatment effect × time effect p≤0.001) reduced more  body weight, BMI, WHR, and PBF at 10-week and 5-month follow-up as compared to other groups.  Likewise, the intervention-3 significantly (treatment effect × time effect p≤0.001) reduced eating  behavior, sedentary behavior, body image, and self-control at 10-week as compared to other groups  but in the 5-month follow-up there were no significant changes. Conclusively, the combination of  CBT with exercise and diet management is the most effective intervention to reduce obesity and  associated factors as compared to CBT with exercise alone or CBT with diet management alone. The  study implicated that body weight, obesity, and associated factors can be reduced by using psycho-physical interventions.  



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