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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study determines the effect of health knowledge on nutrition label use and attitude, and consequently on healthy food choice among Malaysian consumer. This study adopted the positivist, deductive and quantitative approach. A sample consisted of 420 Malaysian consumers, aged at least 15 years old, which selected using systematic streetintercept sampling method. Data, which collected using a self-administered questionnaire, were analysed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings reveal the significant positive effect of health knowledge on attitude towards nutrition label and attitude towards nutrition label on healthy food choice. Though the findings add to the existing literature, provide useful information on how nutrition label could assist in guiding the consumer to make a healthier food choice and serve as a reference point that could stimulate and guide future researchers and other relevant parties, this study is still limited by several factors that require replication in future research |
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