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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of this study was to propose a low-cost and real-time recognition system using a
sensory glove, which has 17 sensors with 65 channels to capture static sign data of the Malaysian
sign language (MSL). The study uses an experimental design. Five participants well-known MSL
were chosen to perform 75 gestures throughout wear sensory glove. This research was carried
out in six phases as follows: Phase I involved a review of literature via a systematic review
approach to identify the relevant set of articles that helped formulate the research questions.
Phase II focused on the analysis of hand anatomy, hand kinematic, and hand gestures to help
understand the nature of MSL and to define the glove requirements. In Phase III, DataGlove was
designed and developed based on the glove requirements to help optimize the best functions of the
glove. Phase IV involved the pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification of the data
collected from the proposed DataGlove and identified gestures of MSL. A new vision and sensor-based
MSL datasets were collected in Phase V. Phase VI focused on the evaluation and validation process
across different development stages. The error rate was used to check system performance. Also, a
3D printed humanoid arm was used to validate the sensor mounted on the glove. The results of data
analysis showed 37 common patterns with similar hand gestures in MSL. Furthermore, the
design of DataGlove based on MSL analysis was effective in capturing a wide range of gestures with
a recognition accuracy of 99%, 96%, and 93.4% for numbers, alphabet letters, and words,
respectively. In conclusion, the research findings suggest that 37 group's gestures of MSL
can increase the recognition accuracy of MSL hand gestures to bridge the gap between people
with hearing impairments and ordinary people. For future research, a more
comprehensive analysis of the MSL recognition system is
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