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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The importance of industrial relations climate has not been given due emphasis on the study of counterproductive work behavior. This variable in facts has great influence to synergize and harmonize the working environment in most of the organizations in today’s world. Hence, the purpose of this study is to examine the role of industrial relations climate as moderating variable between the workplace spirituality and counterproductive work behavior. Based on two social theories i.e. Social Control Theory and Social Cognitive Theory and previous research findings, a model has been constructed to demonstrate that positive industrial relations climate could eradicate the intensity of counterproductive work behavior experienced by employees, which in turn could benefit the organizations in doing business. This model would also demonstrate how the integration of industrial relations climate, workplace spirituality and counterproductive work behavior could provide a better understanding in formulating organizational policies especially in engaging employees’ positive attributes.
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