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Type :thesis
Subject :GV Recreation Leisure
Main Author :Zulakbal Abd Karim
Title :Development characteristics of football coaches in Australia and Malaysia
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Kejurulatihan
Year of Publication :2016
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Sport coaches play a crucial role in contributing to individual and team performance. Unlike the  scientific study of athlete development,  scant attention has been paid to the intricacies of coach  development across the full spectrum of coaching levels. In the current research the defining stage  development characteristics of A, B and C license soccer (hereafter referred to as football)  coaches in Australia and Malaysia, were interviewed  about their development journey, especially  dating back to their first involvement in football through to the present.   Methods This research was guided by evolved grounded theory (EGT), (Strauss & Corbin, 1990) principles.  Evolved grounded theory was used and is well suited to developing an understanding of the  complexities of sport coaching development (Pellegrino, Chudowsky, & Glaser, 2001). Furthermore,  EGT is inherently adaptable and is data driven but with the capacity to consider relevant research  with a view to developing an explanatory  model. Coaches' learning changes as they learn from  different sources that change their cognitive structure (Werthner & Trudel, 2006). Suitable  accredited football coaches were progressively recruited based on the principles of theoretical  sampling (Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1998). Interviews In-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews were used to explore how participants organized  and understood their coaching development perspectives and experiences. I used a semi-structured  interview guide with a recursive design, whereby themes were identified and explored in later  interviews. The transcripts from twenty-four interviews conducted over an 11-month period in  Australia and Malaysia were transcribed and analyzed according to EGT principles. Probe questions were also used  to explore idiographic themes and issues relevant to each interviewee. Initially data analysis  involved creating verbatim transcripts of each interview resulting in 372 pages of single spaced  text. Following the principle of Strauss & Corbin's, (1990) EGT, I systematically conducted data  construction, data deconstruction, and data reconstruction stages. Results As expected, development emerged as a central overarching category.   Based on the analysis, the following four core development themes emerged, a) pre-accreditation, b)  characteristics, c) learning and d) challenges. These core categories were relevant for both  Australian and Malaysian football coach samples were underpinned by over 15 selected common codes,  over 70 axial codes and close to 3,000 open codes. These four development themes formed the basis  for the resultant evolved grounded model. Although the development themes for the Australian and  Malaysian coaches were very similar two sub-themes related to egalitarianism coaching attitudes in  Australia and hierarchical practices in  Malaysia emerged. Conclusion The use of EGT proved to be a useful methodology to delineate key development themes for accredited  football coaches across a wide spectrum of coaching contexts. The aims of the study were achieved  and the accredited football coach development model (AFCDM) will hopefully provide an impetus to  examine further coach development and particularly strategies and techniques to ensure all coaches  are well supported, trained and developed.  


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