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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Context: Pre-exercise nutrient availability alters acute metabolic responses to exercise, which could modulate training responsiveness.
Objective: To assess acute and chronic effects of exercise performed before versus after nutrient ingestion on whole-body and intramuscular lipid utilization, and postprandial glucose metabolism.
Design: 1) Acute, randomised, crossover design (Acute Study); 2) 6-week, randomised, controlled design (Training Study). Setting: General community.
Participants: Men with overweight/obesity (mean±SD, BMI: 30.2±3.5 kg?m-2 for Acute Study, 30.9±4.5 kg?m-2 for Training Study).
Interventions: Moderate-intensity cycling performed before versus after mixedmacronutrient breakfast (Acute Study) or carbohydrate (Training Study) ingestion.
Results: Acute Study - exercise before versus after breakfast consumption increased net intramuscular lipid utilization in type I (net change: -3.44±2.63% versus 1.44±4.18% area lipid staining, p < 0.01) and type II fibres (-1.89±2.48% versus 1.83±1.92% area lipid staining, p < 0.05). Training Study - postprandial glycemia was not differentially affected by 6-weeks of exercise training performed before versus after carbohydrate intake (p>0.05). However, postprandial insulinemia was reduced with exercise training performed before, but not after carbohydrate ingestion (p=0.03). This resulted in increased oral glucose insulin sensitivity (25±38 vs -21±32mL?min-1?m-2 ; p=0.01), associated with increased lipid utilization during exercise (r=0.50, p=0.02). Regular exercise before nutrient provision also augmented remodelling of skeletal muscle phospholipids and protein content of the glucose transport protein GLUT4 (p |
References |
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