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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The study examines the relationship between Libyan pre-service English language
teachers’ speaking anxiety and their language learning autonomy. Also, the students’
levels of speaking anxiety and the factors that shape this anxiety were computed. In
addition, the students’ readiness for learning autonomy was investigated. Furthermore, the
correlation between the participants’ speaking anxiety and their oral performance was calculated.
In achieving the research objectives, a mix-method research approach was employed. The
quantitative approach was utilized using two students’ self-reporting scales (speaking
anxiety questionnaire and language learning autonomy questionnaire) whereas the qualitative
approach was employed by conducting semi-structured interviews with selected students. The
respondents were 300 English department pre-service teachers who are students at
three universities in Libya. It was found that the students experience moderate to high
level of speaking anxiety. Also, the main factor for their speaking anxiety is their
low self-confidence. Besides that, a significant negative relationship between
students’ speaking anxiety and their oral performance was found, r(300) = -.71, p |
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