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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study is conducted to examine the effect of marketing mix strategies on customers
purchasing decision at Muslim Chinese restaurants among students in Selangor. This study
adapted deductive and quantitative methods. The type of research used in this study is
causal research. Causal research is a type of conclusive research designed to obtain evidence
related to causality. A total of 250 respondents were selected as the sample through
multi-stage sampling technique. Data was analyzed by multiple linear regressions. Simple random
sampling will be employed from the selected restaurant. By applying multiple linear
regressions. The findings revealed that price (β = .247, p =
.000), products (β = .197, p = .002), place (β = .171, p = 0.003) and promotions (β = 0.214, p =
0.003) have significant influences on customers purchasing decisions at Muslim Chinese
restaurant in Malaysia. In addition the findings of inter item correlation
revealed the score of pearson correlation were greater than 0.3, which ensures that the
variables are valid. The probabilities of correlations are all significant at less than 0.05(5%),
which indicates that the research instrument is valid. It can be concluded that Muslim Chinese
restaurants in Malaysia should consider marketing mix strategies that can influence their
customer purchasing decision. Based on the result obtained, it is discovered that the Price,
products, place and promotion) has significant influence on determining customer’s purchasing
decision in Chinese Muslim restaurant in Malaysia, with the price as the most important
and most influential variable in determining purchasing decision. This study
recommends that Chinese Muslim restaurant in Malaysia should consider the importance of
fixing and maintaining good
price for their foods, maintaining high quality product, ensuring regular promotion.
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