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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
By afutpting a Dick and Carey model, thepurpose af this stuilt wat to ilevelnp a muhimedis hwttour model for the teaching of Matay nanitive writing and tcst the eJfectiteness of the antle I in thc classruom. This study was cortducted to d groxtp of 29 students at SekalahMenengahKebatgsaan Syed Mashor' Batang Kali, Selangot. The reseatch elesign was qtmi experimental invaling single group Ple'test and post-test ikign' l'iUowing th* clesign, participants were selecled, pte-tested' aru! exposetlio the mukimeitia video (animafion) and then post'testeil' Tie irfirument used in this research was the writing te;l on l[alay twrrative focusing on cleanliness' I)esciptive qutntualive urdlsis wa{ employed on the lindings $?eque"c!' pclceilldge arri medn) fottotted b! d comParison of prc-test and lnst'test' The fintingt lthot$ thqt thtre were signtficant differerces between the pre and post-test. I n the post'lest , tlu mean score for the pafiwipants after receiving the inlerventio,t hlere higher thar' tlo maan scorcr for the prc-test, The findings oko reveal thrd the lrse of isual images (animatiott), sound ailil grdphic througho,ultimeiia vitleo for teaching Malay nanative writing help thc stuclents to improve tlutir vocabulaies and witing skills' Thus, terchen may ulso adopt this lype of lcaming approack to alltact stutlenf s ufiention towards the subject rtnd hence, inErove tlrciraca{tefiri{ Perfon rance of a particular subject'
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