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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Nowadays advertising has become a lifeline for business and endorsement of a females in advertising has become an unavoidable fact. Over a few decades, a wide range of researches have been carried out on female role portrayal in advertisements however, the role of demographic factors to moderate the relationship between consumer attitudes and responses towards female endorsement in print advertisement is yet to examine. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the role of demographic factors as a moderator to influence the response towards female endorsement in print advertisements. A survey was administered on 296 respondents from urban cities of Pakistan through questionnaires. The major findings of this study are that gender, income, education and geographic location do not moderate the relationship between attitude and response towards female endorsement in print advertisement. It was also found that male consumers as compared to females perceive that the presence of a female endorser in a billboard grabs their attention, increases their interest and desire, makes the commercial more memorable and keeps them aware of the brand name of the product. But female consumer’s perception is that the female endorser in a billboard increases their possibility of buying the endorsed product more as compared to male consumers. |
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