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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) network is an attractive and low-cost solution for expanding service coverage and enhancing throughput of the conventional single hop network. However, mobility of Mobile Station (MS) in MMR network might lead to performance degradation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Selecting an appropriate Relay Station (RS) that can support data transmission for high mobility MS to enhance QoS is one of the challenges in MMR network. The main goal of the work is to develop and enhance relay selection mechanisms that can assure continuous connectivity while ensuring QoS in MMR networkusing NCTUns simulation tools. The approach is to develop and enhance a relay selection for MS with continuous connectivity in non-transparent relay. In this approach, the standard network entry procedure is modified to allow continuous connectivity with reduced signaling messages whenever MS joins RS that is out of Multihop Relay Base Station (MRBS) coverage and the relay selection is based on Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The proposed relay selection mechanism that utilized Cross Layer Design (CLD) concept to select RS with good link quality for data transmission. The proposed network model of MMR network is analyzed mathematically using queuing theory approach. Theoretical analysis of the M/D/1 queuing model is compared with the simulation to validate that the simulation is working correctly. The result shows that the simul ationperformances conform to the theoretical value very closely, which prove theconsistency of the simulation platform. Therefore, correctness of the simulation model is validated. Thus, the rest of the work is carried out through simulation on NCTUns |
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