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Type :thesis
Subject :SB Plant culture
Main Author :Mohammad Rusdi Mohd Nasir
Title :A study of Kelantan Malay cultural landscape: recent trends and future prospects
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Teknikal dan Vokasional
Year of Publication :2011
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Due to the scale of recent development and rapid urbanisation in Kelantan, Malaysia, there is a general lack of understanding and appreciation of the Kelantan Malay cultural landscape. This PhD research was undertaken in order to identify the characteristics and identity of the Kelantan Malay cultural landscape. Through this improved understanding, it is hoped to better respect the heritage in contemporary planning and landscape design. The investigation highlights the authentic traditional elements that the inherited landscape can offer to contemporary planners, landscape architects, and municipal administrators in order to preserve the integrity and the beauty of the Kelantan Malay landscape. The search for the Kelantan Malay regional identity is quite a complicated endeavour both because of the diverse causes of change, and the difficulties in obtaining references and documentation about the; Kelantan Malay cultural landscape. There is an urgent and imperative task to secure the future of the authentic Kelantan Malay cultural landscape. Basically, Kelantan is being becoming acknowledged as a cradle of Malay cultures since most of the traditional Malay cultures can be found there. Traditional arts and culture are crucial to regional identity and, significantly, their vernacular qualities also playa vital role in creating the beauty of the cultural landscape. They have their own expression in architecture and landscape that could be identified as unique within the Malay Archipelago. The study will also consider the Kelantan traditional Malay house, the village, and the landscape elements of the capital city of Kota Bharu. This research will also look into the influences from other landscape traditions in creating the Kelantan Malay cultural landscape. These include the early stage of Kelantan, during the HinduBuddhist era, the philosophy and culture of the Islamic era, Siamese influence, British colonial influence, and the period after Independence in 1957. In addition, this research will look into the approaches that have been used by Kota Bharu Municipal Council in creating the new landscape, especially in the city centre. At the same time the process of creating the regional identity will be considered. Kota Bharu, as an Islamic city, represents a symbolic trademark to the urban development of the Islamic state of Kelantan. It appears that there have been many changes in the cultural landscape of Kelantan, especially in the traditional villages and the city centre, that have gradually been transformed. In an important sense, recent new building and new urban development have transformed the cultural landscape either in a traditional matter or in a pastiche way. This thesis recognises the importance of incorporating the existing heritage alongside contemporary design. This research also seeks to consider the future prospects for the Kelantan Malay cultural landscape since there are many evolutions currently underway. Optimistically, there will be better landscape practices in the future, as well as further research on the Kelantan Malay cultural landscape.


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