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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of the study was to develop and validate an authentic assessment module to assess
higher order thinking skills. This study used Collect-Relate-Create-Donates (CRCD) model by Ben
Shneiderman as the basis for the contents of the module. The module was developed by using
ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. This
module underwent validation process using Fleiss' Kappa agreement coefficient by eight
experts. This study was also designed to determine the effect of the module towards higher
order thinking skills (HOTS) amongst the students in terms of their reasoning and problem
solving. A sample of 30 students was selected from a secondary school in Selangor. This study
involved the administration of pre- and post-tests on the 30 form four Biology students. The module
was conducted during Biology lesson for 12 weeks. The validation showed that Fleiss' Kappa
agreement coefficient for face validation is 0.63 which is at substantial agreement and
0.89 (almost perfect agreement) for content validation. The students were given pre- and post-tests
which consisted of HOTS items adapted from Examinations Syndicate. The pre- and post-tests also
included items that measured the students' ability in problem-solving and reasoning. The data
showed that the mean for the post-test (M = 21.20; SD = 4.96) was higher than the mean for pre-test
(M = 12.07; SD = 3.59). Hence, the data showed that there was an increase in mean scores of the
post-test compared to the pre-test. Students have shown improvement in HOTS after using the
module. In conclusion, the authentic assessment module was effective in enhancing
students' ability in HOTS particularly in reasoning and problem-solving. This implicates
that the use of the authentic assessment module can be expanded to
form four students in other schools to assess their higher order thinking skills.
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