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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Indhira Thirunavukarasu
Title :The effects of cultural based texts on upper primary school students reading comprehension
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Acquiring reading comprehension is a very challenging task especially among English as a second   language  readers as it does  not only depend  on the  information in the printed text but also on  the activation of information or schemata in the reader’s mind. Schema theory   proposes   that   a    reader’s   background   knowledge   impacts   memory,   reading comprehension,  interpretation   and  reading  rate.  The  purpose  of  this  research  was  to investigate the impact of cultural  based texts on reading comprehension in a multi-racial setting. An exploratory case study research  design was used in this research. The retelling technique  in  written  form  and  an  interview   was  used  as  instruments  in  this  research  to find  out  respondents’  comprehension  of  the   culturally  familiar  and  unfamiliar  texts.  In addition, a comprehension test was administered  to gather data. The research instruments employed   in   this   research   were   culturally    familiar   and   unfamiliar   texts,   retelling assessment,  comprehension  tests  and  an   interview.  In  addition  three  different  forms  of text were used to ensure that the form of  text did not impact the results of the study. Thus a thorough and an in-depth research was carried  out. The findings of the study shows that the existence of cultural schemata and the activation of  the appropriate schema are more important in determining the comprehensibility of a cultural based  text. The type of text only plays a secondary role. This research implicates that reading various  cultural texts in classrooms enriches students’ cultural schemata and thus teachers, examiners,  education policy  makers  and  resource  creators  should  play  their  role  in  assisting   students  to comprehend cultural based texts.  


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