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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The aim of this research is to develop a new model of details for the leaf serration before wrapping it onto the overall leaf margin. For this purpose, we used the offset of the original leaf shape outline. The model of the leaf consists of several leaf parts are represented with B-spline curves which also represent the offset. We propose a new algorithm to represent the pattern of the details. The details are applied as an offset to the underlying curve. An algorithm how the pattern combines to the margin was also explained. The results of the drawings are divided into three categories: satisfactory, acceptable, and unsatisfactory. Expert botanist was referred to assess the drawing result to ensure the result is parallel with a botanical point of view. The findings show that the geometry of the details was satisfactory, except for some minor distortion. As the implication, this research allows novice botanists and amateurs to readily see a picture which they might find it hard to visualize before. |
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