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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
One of the congenital factors that affect the transmission of dengue disease is blood type. This study mainly aims to consider blood type O in humans and uses a differential equations system formulation to analyse the dynamical system. The basic reproduction number is determined as the threshold for dengue disease transmission model. This model has been applied to the data from weekly data dengue cases occurring in Bandung in the year 2013. When it is supported by actual data which provides the parameters and values for the variables, this model can be implemented and thus used to describe the dynamical system of dengue disease transmission with respect to O blood type in humans. It can be concluded that blood type O is an important factor to be considered when formulating strategies for prevention and treatment. This study provides a significant improvement to the knowledge of dengue transmission dynamics and should be beneficial in aiding control of the transmission of dengue disease |
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