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Type :article
Subject :HF5601 Accounting
Main Author :Khalid, Azam Abdelhakeem
Additional Authors :Nor Hanani binti Ahamad Rapani
Sahaib, Rasool Majid
Almaliki, Oday Jasim
Title :Structural equation model For the relationship between accounting information system and internal audit effectiveness with moderating effect of experience
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Accounting information system and internal audit effectiveness assist management in making appropriate decisions. The experience of accountants and auditors may enhance decision making. Moreover, the effect of accountants’ and auditors’ experience on the relation between accounting information system and internal audit effectiveness was not considered in the previous studies. This research aims to develop a structural equation model for the moderating effect of experiences on the relation between accounting information system characteristics and the internal audit effectiveness in Iraqi stock exchange-traded companies. Five constructs representing the characteristics of accounting information system have been selected including integration, flexibility, reliability, relevance, and timeliness. A quantitative approach has been used to achieve the research objective. A survey was conducted on 365 respondents including accountants, auditors and managers in several companies in the Iraqi stock exchange. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and Analysis of Moment Structure were used to analyze the data and develop the structural equation model. The research results indicated that all the selected accounting information system characteristics had significant effects on internal audit effectiveness. Moreover, experience moderated the relationships between flexibility, integration characteristics, and internal audit effectiveness. Such research findings can assist organizations in assessing and enhancing the quality of their information and the skills and knowledge of their employees, particularly their accountants and auditors  


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