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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a learning module based on Adobe Photoshop with 130 motif templates in the teaching and learning of Batik pattern designs. This research used a qualitative approach based on the studio method involving observations and interviews. The sample of the participants consisted of 56 students who took a Batik course. In the studio, the participants used such a learning module to learn to create a number of Batik pattern designs. The evaluation of the learning module was based on five factors, namely effectiveness, learnability, flexibility, ease of use, and user acceptance. The research findings showed that all the participants were able to create creative patterns with high aesthetic value. Their designs were also observed to exhibit a high degree of intricacy and finesse. In addition, the findings showed that the use of such a module helped expedite the design process, making it more efficient as well as flexible. The participants also indicated that the application was easy to use and could help them become more creative. Given these promising findings, it is recommended such a novel, innovative learning module be embedded in the current teaching and learning practice of art education in Malaysian schools. Through use of such a potent learning tool, which can ease the design process of any artworks, students will become motivated and engaged in learning to learn the art of creating beautiful, exquisite designs. More importantly, with more practice in designing, they can eventually develop their creative skills to the level of that of professionals, thus enabling them to create artworks that are not only highly attractive but also contemporary.
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