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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Gamification in higher education is a new way in the learning environment for the 21st century. It has become an effective pedagogical tool to increase students’ involvement through immediate feedback on learning activities that allow them to reflect on what they are learning. The use of games as a pedagogical strategy is the basis for student-centered pedagogy as theyhelp promote a flexible teaching and learning environment that is in line with the curriculum stated in counselor .To date, little research has been carried out that incorporates games in multicultural counseling pedagogy; hence, research needs to be conducted pertaining to this aspect. The article will highlight the development of a multicultural counseling gamification module known as “Immerze” based on the Gamified E-learning Design Process Model proposed by Malas and Hamtini. The Gamified E-learning design process consists of five stages; Planning, Design, Development, Deployment and Review. The article highlights the first stage of the development of a multicultural gamification module which involves the survey on the needs analysis for constructing the criteria and elements of the module. The findings indicated that there was a positive feedback in terms of respondents’ needs for gaming platform to enhance their multicultural counseling competencies. Additionally, the implications of the study that help plan and design the multicultural counseling competency module will also be discussed
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