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Type :article
Subject :N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
Main Author :Harozila Ramli
Additional Authors :Tajul Shuhaizam Said
Mohamad NurHanif Hazman
Syamrul Nizam Abdul Malek
Ridzuan Hussin
Title :The development and evaluation of an interactive Multimedia module for the topic of art elements of the Visual Art education subject
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This research aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive multimedia learning module for the topic of Elements of Art of the Visual Art Education subject for Form-One secondary school students. This study involved two methodological approaches involving the design and development of an interactive multimedia learning module and a case study. The development of the learning module was based on the ADDIE model involving five main phases, the analysis phase, design phase, development phase, implementation phase, and evaluation phase. The case study involved the evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning module based on pre-test post-test control group design. The sample of the study consisted of 30 FormOne students (15 girls and 15 boys, with a mean age of 13) recruited from a secondary school. They were randomly and equally divided into an experimental group (n = 15) and a control group (n = 15). Learning intervention lasted for a number of days. The research instrument comprised 50 multiple-choice questions, which was used for the pre-testing and post-testing of students’ understanding of the selected topic of learning. Data were analyzed using an independent ttest, which revealed that the post-test score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group, clearly suggesting that the use of the novel interactive multimedia learning module is highly effective compared to the conventional method of learning. As such, the findings of this study provide strong evidence to support the use of ICT, namely multimedia technology, in the teaching and learning of the Visual Art Education subject among Form-One secondary school students.  


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