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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Ganesh Kumar Paronjodi
Title :Development of framework for beginning teacher induction programme
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Beginning teacher induction has become an important tool for ensuring teacher quality in the 21st century educational system. At the global level, induction programmes for the   beginning  teachers  are  designed  to  support  beginning  teachers  and  numerous countries have  designed their own programmes with the principles of adult learning theory  underpinning  the   induction  practices.  The  objectives  of  this  study  were  to identify the expectations of the  beginning teacher regarding their induction programme, develop  a  beginning  teacher   induction   programme  framework  and  validate  the framework.  This  study  utilized  the  survey  method   approach  supported  with  semi- structured interview and literature review. The method of data  collection through the survey involved 268 beginning teachers and the semi-structured interviews  involved ten beginning teachers. The survey was analysed using descriptive statistical analysis and    the   semi-structured   interviews   were   thematically   analysed.   Based   on   the  triangulation  of  the  analysed  data  and  comparing  the  findings,  12  themes  emerged. These   themes  indicated  that  current  induction  programme  for beginning  teachers  in Malaysia is  narrowly structured with only some vital components and does not cater the individualized need of  beginning teachers.  Clearly, there was a need to improve the beginning teacher induction programme  to support beginning teachers adequately. The data   gathered   was   used   to   develop   a    beginning   teacher   induction   programme framework. The beginning teacher induction framework  developed in this study was align  with  best-practice  models  and  supported  by  research  data.   The  developed framework was validated by 13 experts and five practitioners. The framework provide  guidelines  for developing induction programme  for beginning teachers in Malaysia. This research  will enable Ministry of Education Malaysia to redesign and improve the current induction programme  to better meet beginning teacher needs and increase their competency level.  


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