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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
Main Author :Zaidan, A. A.
Additional Authors :Zaidan, Bilal Bahaa
Title :A review on intelligent process for smart home applications based on IoT: coherent taxonomy, motivation, open challenges, and recommendations
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2020
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Innovative technology on intelligent processes for smart home applications that utilize Internet of Things (IoT) is mainly limited and dispersed. The available trends and gaps wereinvestigated in this study to provide valued visions for technical environments and researchers. Thus, a survey was conducted to create a coherent taxonomy on the research landscape. An extensive search was conducted for articles on (a) smart homes, (b) IoT and (c) applications. Three databases, namely, IEEE Explore, ScienceDirect and Web of Science, were used inthe article search. These databases comprised comprehensive literature that concentrate on IoT-based smart home applications. Subsequently, filtering process was achieved on the basis of intelligent processes. The final classification scheme outcome of the dataset contained 40 articles that were classified into four classes. The first class includes the knowledge engineering process that examines data representation to identify the means of accomplishing a task for IoT applications and their utilisation in smart homes. The second class includes papers on the detection process that uses artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to capture the possible changes in IoT-based smart home applications. The third class comprises the analytical process that refers to the use of AI techniques to understand the underlying problems in smart homes by inferring new knowledge and suggesting appropriate solutions for the problem. The fourth class comprises the control process that describes the process of measuring and instructing the performance of IoT-based smart home applications against the specifications with the involvement of intelligent techniques. The basic features of this evolving approach were then identified in the aspects of motivation of intelligent process utilisation for IoTbased smart home applications and open-issue restriction utilisation. The recommendations for the approval and utilisation of intelligent process for IoT-based smart home applications were also determined from the literature.  


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