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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Hafnidar
Title :A case study on the implementation of character education at Kuttab Al-Fatih, Depok
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This qualitative study uses the design of "multiple cases" and "single-site" to explore the philosophy, importance, characters sown, implementation strategies, influencing factors, and the  impact of character education in the development of student character in Kuttab Al-Fatih (KAF),  Depok. The four data collection methods used were semi-structured interviews, focus group  discussions, observations, and documentation. Data were obtained from 4 teachers, 21 students, 7  parents, a headmaster, and a counselor. Analysis and interpretation of data are done    through    the    transcripts,    encoding,    inter-rater,   exhibiting,   triangulation   and interpretation  procedures. Findings show that the philosophy of character education in KAF is "Faith before the  Qur'an", "?d?b before knowledge", and "knowledge before practice". The   significance   of   the    implementation   of   character   education   in   KAF   affects   the memorization of the Qur’an,  the academic ability, and the character of students' faith which is the basis of thoughts,  feelings, and actions. The faith character is the character of a believer formed naturally as a  result of psychological processes because it has six pillars of faith in Islam. However, the three  main characteristics of faith inculcated are faith in Allah S.W.T, faith in the Prophet Muhammad  S.A.W, and faith in the Day of Judgment. Implementation strategies are used to touch on cognitive,  affection, and action in the levels of readiness, knowledge, emotions, and action through the  habituation of ?d?b and learning the Qur'an (reading,  writing,  remembering,  and  tad?bbur).   Factors  influencing  implementation  are found to be divided into two, namely internal factors and  external factors. Internal factors are resources and implementation strategies; and teachers as  well as simply facilities. While external factors are the internal of students, parents, home and  environment; and community. The effect of character education in KAF shows that students can  practice ?d?b consistently, memorize  the  Qur’an  and  good  academic  achievement,  influence   family,  friends  and community  to  behave  well,  as  well  as  the  effect  on  the  formation   of  faith  character  of students,  teachers,  parents,  and  society;  and  then  give  a   positive  impact  on  KAF.  The implication  of  this  study  found,  to  achieve  effective   character  education  is  faith-based character education based on the Qur’an and Hadith. Finally,  the present study produce the model of implementation of character education strategy that can  adopt by all parties without boundaries by nation, ethnic, and place.  


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