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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study was designed to develop a new inventory to measure vocational intelligence
of Malaysian adolescents. The Design and Development Research (DDR) model was
adopted as a main research design in this study and three phases were involved. Phase
one was the need analysis phase - involving the modified Delphi study and focus group
discussion where the importance of identifying students’ vocational intelligence and
their attributes were identified. Six attributes of vocational intelligence were identified
- background, interest, personality, ability, skill, and creativity. Phase two was the
design and development phase where an inventory to determine students’ vocational
intelligence, named MyVQ, was developed using the attributes found in phase one. The
verification and evaluation of MyVQ were carried out in phase three - the
implementation and evaluation phase. The Cronbach’s alpha values of each section of
the instrument demonstrated that all items in each section have acceptable internal
consistency. MyVQ was tested to 400 Year-Six students in five zones of peninsular
Malaysia, selected using stratified random sampling. Three different types of primary
schools were selected from each zone. MyVQ scores were analysed descriptively
according to attributes and total scores as well as to obtain norms for Malaysian
adolescents. Using MyVQ, the samples can be categorized into four different levels of
vocational intelligence: gifted (2.3%), high (18.5%), moderate (69.5%) and low (9.8%).
Students who were in the gifted and high levels (20.8%) are proposed to choose
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) educational pathways.
Hence, MyVQ is a valid and reliable new instrument to measure vocational intelligence
that could be used to map vocational intelligence among adolescents. In implication,
MyVQ can be used as a diagnostic and screening tool to place students in appropriate
educational and training institutions in order to produce future quality human resources
to achieve sustainable economic development. |
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