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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research aimed to improve the fault tolerance of healthcare services provided for
Chronic Heart Disease (CHD) patients living in remote areas. A new fault-tolerant
mHealth framework was proposed to solve existing problems in healthcare services due
to frequent failures in the telemedicine architecture. This study used an experimental
research design that was carried out based on two stages. In the first stage, the researcher
proposed a new algorithm known as Three-level Localization Triage (3LLT) to exclude
the triage process from a medical center (Tier 3) and to overcome alarm failures related
to Tier 1. In the second stage, the proposed framework was used to assist the decision
maker to make the appropriate hospital selection based on a Multi-Criteria Decision
Making technique, namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Two datasets were
used comprising a dataset of 572 CHD patients and a dataset of hospitals healthcare
services, which were used in the triage stage and in the hospital selection stage,
respectively, based on two scenarios. The first scenario involved real high-level services
of 12 hospitals located in Baghdad, Iraq, and the second scenario was based on low-level
simulated services of 12 hospitals located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The results
showed that the AHP technique was highly effective in solving the failures of healthcare
services and the problems related to hospital selection. Moreover, the results showed
significant differences in the groups‘ scores, indicating that the ranking results were
identical for the three groups. Clearly, such empirical results suggest that the ranking of
hospitals cannot be determined in a specific situation with many combined factors that
may have a significant impact on the priority setting at the hospital level. For the
validation of the framework, the results showed that the ranking results were perfectly
identical. The implication of this study is that medical organizations can use the proposed
fault-tolerant framework to assign patients to appropriate hospitals that can provide them
with prompt, effective healthcare services. |
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