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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to investigate the potential use of biochemical seed oils of agro-waste
as anti-trypanosomal, anti-oxidant, and anti-bacterial edible oil, sun-protection oil,
and biodiesel. A comparative study was conducted to examine the chemical profile,
physicochemical-sensory properties, and trans-esterification of seed oils collected
from agro-waste in the Mualim district. Five drying techniques were tested before
extracting the seed oils. Standard methods were then used to determine the chemical
compounds, physicochemical-sensory properties, and bio-activity of the extracted
seed oils. The analysis performed on such oils showed there were significant
differences in the amount of seed oils between drying techniques, F (dfb, dfw) = 39.89,
p = 0.00. Specifically, the analysis showed the microwave-drying technique produced
the highest oil yield except for Carica papaya. L and Cucurbita sp, and the seed oils
extracted from Mangifera indica had the best antioxidant property. Also, significant
variations were detected in the bacterial inhibition zones depending on the species and
different oil concentrations, with the highest inhibition zone being found in the seed
oils extracted from M. indica and C. papaya. L. Furthermore, the highest and lowest
phenolic contents were obtained from C. papaya. L and Durio zibethinus,
respectively. Meanwhile, the highest and lowest flavonoid contents were observed in
C. papaya. L and Cucurbita sp, respectively. In addition, the percentages of biodiesel
obtained from Nephelium lappaceum, Cucurbita sp, M. indica, and C. papaya. L were
94.13%, 96.81%, 93.24%, and 76.14%, respectively. In conclusion, the findings
indicate that seed oils extracted from C. papaya. L, Cucurbita sp, M. indica, C.
papaya. L, D. zibethinus, and Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam have excellent antioxidant
and anti-bacterial properties that can be manufactured into edible oil and sunprotection
oils, whereas seed oils extracted from C. papaya. L, Cucurbita sp, M.
indica, and C. papaya. L can be efficiently made into biodiesel. As such, these
findings will have a significant implication on the use of C. papaya. L, Cucurbita sp,
M. indica, and C. papaya. L in the energy, medical, and food industries. |
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