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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Teachers play an important role to help student in solving problem in school and consequently preparing for their future career. Teachers can be the most important feature to expose thinking style in class. This is theimplication of Technical and Vocational Education and Training programme which requires the students to be ableto think creatively and critically in problem-solving. As inventive problem solving is known to be creativeassessment methods for innovation, it is needed to guide Design and Technology teachers to expose the studentnew technique of solving a problem. This study attempts to investigate teachers’ perception of their thinking style and inventive problem-solving skill. The importance of thinking styles in inventive problem-solving skill and the factors contributing to the achievement to inventive problem solving are also discussed. Data were collected from367 Design and Technology teachers across Malaysia. Data obtained were analyzed descriptively. This studyconfirmed that teachers know the role of thinking style in solving a problem. They also admit that inventiveproblem-solving skill is important but half of them still having problem to master the skills. Problem identificationis claimed to be a vital process in solving a problem but yet, majority of them still facing problem in finding theroot cause. As a counter-measures on this miss-alignment, modules are needed by teachers to help them integratingtheir thinking styles into teaching and learning in class. Module also acts as teaching aids for teachers in guidingthem solving inventive problems. |
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