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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to determine the effect of Smart Interactive Whiteboard in the teaching of
vocabulary for guided writing within the context of primary education in Perak, Malaysia. It has
two main objectives. First objective was to investigate the effect of Smart Interactive
Whiteboard in the teaching of vocabulary for guided writing among Year 5 pupils. Second objective
was to identify the pupils’ views on two teaching techniques for vocabulary learning:
(i) using Smart Interactive Whiteboard and (ii) using flashcards, and the factors which
affected their preference of either teaching technique. The mediated mind model based on Vygotsky’s
social view of learning and Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning were used as the
underpinning theories in this study. A quasi-experimental design was employed in the study
using pre and post-tests. The instruments in this study consisted of pre and post-tests and
interview protocol. These instruments were validated by three experts. A random sample of 42 pupils
from a primary school in Perak was selected. They were divided into a control group (n=21) and an
experimental group (n=21). Twelve pupils were selected purposefully for the interview. There
was no significant difference of the mean scores between pre-tests of the control and
experimental groups. A four-week treatment was given to experimental group using Smart Interactive
Whiteboard while the control group used flash card technique. The result from the t-test
independent samples indicated a significant difference between the post-tests of the
control and experimental groups [t(40) = 0.191; p |
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