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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to isolate and purify compounds from Phyllanthus amarus and their
potential as anticancer agents. About 2.01 kg of P. amarus from Euphorbiaceae family
was collected from Melor, Kelantan. The sample was dried at room temperature,
grinded and extracted with hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol and methanol. Compounds were purified
using various chromatographic techniques. The structures of the compound were determined by
spectroscopic techniques including nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet, infrared, mass
spectrometry and comparison with previous study. In addition, compounds were tested by their
anticancer effect against HeLa cells and NIH/3T3 cells by MTT assay. The results showed
that isolation of hexane and ethanol extract have produced seven compounds which were tanacetene,
triglyceride fatty acids, mixtures of stigmasterol and β-sitosterol, hypophyllanthin,
niranthin, lintetralin, and nirtetralin. The MTT assay results showed
that hypophyllanthin has a strong anticancer effect on HeLa cells compared to niranthin and
lintetralin. In conclusion, P. amarus consisted of sesquiterpene, glyceride, sterols and lignans.
Meanwhile, hypophyllanthin showed a potential as anticancer agent. In implication, the compounds
can be used as future reference for secondary metabolites of Malaysian plants and their
potential as anticancer agents to be applied in
pharmaceutical field.
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