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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Oil palm (Elaeis guinensis) plantation is one of the economic pillars of countries rich in
biodiversity in tropical regions. In oil palm plantation, pests and diseases are the major problems
that cause low production in oil palm. Bagworm, Metisa plana (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) are the most
destructive pest in oil palm plantations in Malaysia, resulting in high yield losses of up to 43%
over two years after infestation. Therefore, this study was aimed to examine bagworm
infestations, their damaging impacts based on bagworm stages, and the damages occurred in the
oil palm plantations in Felda Gunung Besout 2. A total of 57 palm trees were
systematically selected, and bagworm and parasitoid samples were collected from several
selected areas in two stages. At first stage, nine (9) fronds were randomly picked from each
tree. The severity of bagworm infestations was measured based on the severity scale of damage
symptoms caused by bagworms. At second stage, parasitoids were collected from the same oil palm
trees by hand and with yellow sticker traps before being identified in the laboratory. The results
showed that infestation rates in the selected oil palm plantations were 50.9%, 31.6%, 4% and 3.5%,
which were rated as high, moderate, low, and very low, respectively. The results also showed
stage-seven bagworms were the most destructive pest, followed by stage-one, six, and five.
According to the result, several potential parasitoids were identified with the
highest Eulophidae: Tetrastichus sp., which belong to the Hymenoptera order. These
findings will provide great information for planters and researchers about the bagworm
stages and their impacts on the infection rates in oil palm plantations. Thus, enabling
a more effective biological control to reduce or
eliminate bagworms from oil palm plantations in total.
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List of Publications
1. Thaer, S., Kassim, F. A., Hasbullah, N. A., & Al-Obaidi, J. R. (2021). Evaluation of Bagworm, Metisa plana (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) Infestation and Beneficial Parasitoid in an Oil Palm Plantation, Perak, Malaysia. Journal of Science and Mathematics Letters, 9(1), 19-35.
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