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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using nursery rhymes on the
writing performance of year six pupils in a primary school. The researcher used Expository Teaching
Model for explaining meaningful learning by exposing a few nursery rhymes for writing an essay.
Constructivism was also used to describe knowledge acquisition and motivation among the pupils.
For research design, the researcher used a quasi-experimental design to determine the effect of
using nursery rhymes on the writing performance for year six pupils in a primary school. The
experimental group used nursery rhyme and control group used traditional method with text book. A
sample of sixty pupils from year six pupils were selected and assigned to experimental group (n =
30) and control group (n = 30) randomly. The researcher used several instruments, namely, pre
and post tests and a set of questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaire was
relatively high which was based on Cronbach Alpha α = 0.807. Before the research was
conducted, a pre-test was given to both groups. The pre-test result for both groups showed the
means were almost the same for experimental (M = 38.07; SD = 7.21) and control (M = 32.33; SD =
9.89) groups. Pair sample t-test was used to see the differences between pre and post test results.
The post-test mean score for the experimental group was higher (M = 73.8; SD = 9.09) than the
post-test mean for the control group (M = 46.67; SD = 8.38). The t- test for the experimental group
showed a significant difference between the pre and post tests [t(29) = -27.95, p |
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