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Type :thesis
Subject :PE English
Main Author :Kamariah Yusof
Title :The use of whatsapp in enhancing learners oral communicative competence
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
English language instructors have always pursued new and interesting approaches that may help to overcome language teaching and learning barriers. Therefore, this study was  conducted   mainly  to  explore  Media  Assisted  Language  Learning  Approach (MALL) using one of the most  prominent media application known as WhatsApp as an instructional tool in communicative language  learning classroom.  This study was specifically proposed to examine the effect that WhatsApp voice  and video features may have towards learners’ oral communicative competence as well as exploring  their perception towards its use by conducting a social media learning scale survey. This research   adopted  a  quasi-experimental  approach  that  compares  experimental  and control group which  were assigned with different treatment. The learning process of both experimental and control group  were based on two hours of in-class learning but supplemented  with  different  treatments  for   informal  classroom  tasks.  Experimental group was given the tasks to do voice and video recording  of communicative dialogue and shared them in the group’s WhatsApp channel. On the other hand,  control group’s participants were assign with traditional approach tasks such as paper-based  dialogue construction,  open-ended  writing  exercise,  and  presentation.  This  study  conducted  independent sample t-test analysis to compare both means of control and experimental groups  pre-test and post-test scores. The result for independent t-test analysis for pre- test score is t  (43) = 0.372, p=0.712, which proposed that both groups of respondents possessed  the  same  level   of  oral  communicative  competency prior  to  the  treatment given. After the treatment, the  independent sample t-test then reported that there was a significant  difference  between  post   test  score  for  control  and  experimental  group,  t (43) = -2.99, p = 0.005, p < 5. The result proposed that the experimental group with WhatsApp    integrated   treatment   has   outperformed   those   in   control   group   with traditional  learning.  It  was concluded in this study that WhatsApp manage to affect learners’ oral communicative competency positively.  


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