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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of the research was to determine the effects of climate change on wetland
water resources. The survey has captured the research questions, objectives, types of data
collected, procedure and analysis. Data from meteorology station that covers the period of thirty
years from 1980-2010 was used. The objective of this study was to assess the evidences of climate
change in the Lake Chad basin Borno state, measure the climate change effects on the seasonal
variations, investigate and assess the local adaptation measures undertaken by communities to the
effects of climate change on wetlands and identify the significant differences between adaptation
approaches and respondent?s gender, age and academic qualifications. Random sampling
technique was conducted to select 252 respondents as 20% of the sample from a population of 1277.
Descriptive statistics of percentages, bar charts were used to investigate and assessed
the local adaptation measures undertaken by communities to the effects of climate change on
wetland water resources. Trend analysis of time series technique was use to assess the evidences of
climate change in the study area. For the analysis of trend by season minimum and maximum
temperatures, rainfall, solar radiation, evaporation and relative humidity, the
Mann-Kendall test, a nonparametric method was used and has shown gradual increase and decrease
in most of the seasonal values recorded. A chi-square test of association statistics was
performed to examine the relationship between climate change and seasonal variation. The
relation between climate change and seasonal variation was significant χ² (12, N=252)
=63.761, p=0.000. Climate change does have effect on seasonal variation. The survey results also
indicated that dredging of water bodies around the community for the storage of water was one of
the major approaches and was largely practiced by 38.9% of the respondents in the study
area to cope with the challenges, while, findings further reveal that 29.0% of the
respondents practice digging of dams for the storage of water as another form of mitigation
measures. Further advance statistics of Kruskal-Wallis test, Kendall?s tau-b test and ANOVA
tests were all use to identify significant difference between respondents? gender,
age and qualifications to adaptation approaches in the study area. The Kruskal-Wallis test
statistic showed that there was statistically significant difference in the adaptation approaches
between the male and female gender at different stages, χ²(1, 252) =114.959, p=0.00, with
a mean rank adaptation score of 104.94 and 228.41 for general adaptive measures undertaken by the
communities, 104.80 and 229.09 for local mitigation measures against climate change,
105.50 and 225.75 for local coping measures against the effects of drying up of wetlands.
Kendall?s tau-b correlation coefficients statistic ?b is 0.574 and that is statistically
significant (p=0.000). Similarly, there was statistically significant difference
between groups in relation to gender, age and qualification on general adaptive measures
undertaken by the communities and local coping measures against the effects of drying up of
wetlands by one-way ANOVA statistic (F (4, 247),
=468.928, p=0.000). In conclusion, the main finding is that the existence of climate change and its
significant effects on seasonal variation is observed. The implication of the findings revealed
that dredging of water bodies around and digging of dams for the storage of water are necessary as
well as sex, age and qualification of respondents as part of adaptation to curtail the situation if
not the impacts will be unbearable in the
near future.
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