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Type :thesis
Subject :NC Drawing Design Illustration
Main Author :Azlan sukamat
Title :Preliminary studies and pilot testing to implement blended learning approach in learning 3d drawing for students at Sekolah Seni Malaysia, Johor and English College, Johor
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2019
Notes :with CD
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This preliminary study is a pilot test for the implementation of blended learning in teaching 3D drawing by blending face-to-face classroom with ICT-based settings using 3D Blender Tutorial Courseware, Youtube and Whatsapp interactive group chat apps. The objectives were to evaluate the effectiveness of blended learning approach on the students’ drawing skills, motivation, and learner autonomy, and also to determine the impact of students’ perspective of blended learning and teachers’ attitudes on their learning outcomes. The study was carried out using quantitative analytical approach by conducting a 3D Drawing Skill Evaluation and a survey before and after the implementation of blended learning. The respondents consisted of 40 students from Malaysian Art School and English College in Johor who were selected by using purposive sampling method based on the level of their computer literacy and interest in learning 3D drawing. The results of descriptive analysis revealed that there was a significant difference in the respondent’s level of 3D drawing knowledge (Δmean=1.868), drawing accuracy (Δmean=1.793, visualization skill (Δmean=1.855), completion time (Δmean=1.742), motivation (Δmean =1.95) and learner autonomy (Δmean = 1.87) after using the blended learning approach. It was also found from the regression analysis that the respondent’s attitude towards blended learning and perception of teacher’s attitude had a strong and significant effect on their motivation (R2=0.666, F(2,37)=36.81, p


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