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Type :thesis
Subject :
Main Author :Aquino, Leticia N.
Title :Comparing the kindergarten program of Fhilippines and Malaysia towards developing a program evaluation model
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2019
Notes :with cd\r\nPAKK
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This  study  compared  the  Kindergarten  Program  (KP)  of  Philippines  and  Malaysia towards  the  development  of  a  program  evaluation  model  for  the  Philippines.  The  objectives  of  the  study  were  to  identify  the  laws  and  policies  that  guide  the  implementation of the Kindergarten Program; to describe the issues and challenges in the   implementation  of  the  program  in  terms  of  management,  curriculum,  teachers, instruction,  assessment, learning resources and instructional materials, learning space and  environment,  and   parental  and  community  involvement;  and  to  develop  a Kindergarten Program evaluation model  for the Philippines. This case study involves four public kindergarten schools that included four  principals/headmasters, 12 teachers, eight  parents  and  one  kindergarten  supervisor.  The   Discrepancy  Evaluation  Model (DEM) of Provus (1971) and Steinmetz (1983) and Stufflebeam’s (2003)  CIPP  model were used as framework to determine the desired standards in the actual implementation  of  KP.  The  instruments  were  semi-structured  interview  protocol  and  interview, documentary   and  observation  checklists.  Thematic  analysis  of  Creswell  (2012), through open, axial and  selective coding was performed which unveiled the findings on similarities and differences of  national laws, curriculum, managerial structure, teacher qualifications, teaching-learning process,  learning resources and space. Documentary and content analyses were also conducted to analyse  discussions on laws and policies for effective implementation of the program. The study yielded to  a conclusion that both Philippines and Malaysia strive to achieve SDG Target 4.2 on the universal  access to  early  childhood  education  by  all  children  and  aspire  to  provide  quality   program services. Recommendations of the study include program development, policy-making, teacher  development, management structure and teaching-learning environment. This benchmark study has  implications to government leaders, educational leaders, teachers, parents,  and  community leaders   to  work  hand  in  hand  for the  attainment  of  quality kindergarten program.  


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