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Type :thesis
Subject :HF Commerce
Main Author :Mohamad Suwardi Mohamad Yusof
Title :Human resource management practices towards organizational performance for academicians in Malaysia public universities
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This aimed of this study is to examine the relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) practices on organizational performance (OP) in 20 Malaysian public universities. HRM practices such as recruitment and selection (RS), training and development (TD), reward and recognition (RR), as well as work environment (AE) are said to be factors in improving the performance capabilities of academicians. The OP evaluation was evaluated in this study based on a strategic planning and management system methodology known as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) which consists of four perspectives namely financial, customers, internal processes and learning and growth. A quantitative survey study was conducted on 383 academicians selected from 20 Malaysian public universities based on proportional stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaires using 6 point Likert scale were distributed using official emails of academicians. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed using SPSS v.22. In conclusion, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that the tested independent variables could explain 69.7% of the variance against OP. This proves that the four factors of HRM practice in this study can help to improve OP in Malaysian public universities. While the AE factor has shown the strongest positive correlation with a significant level of 0.804. A measurement tool based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify faculties that implement HRM practices with excellence has been developed known as the Human Resource Management Option System tool (HRMOSt). This tool was validated by five UPSI faculty officers in determining the suitability of the OP. It is hoped that this study can help faculties / universities in the implementing of HRM practices so that Malaysian public universities becomes more efficient and effective in improving academician performance. The selection of HRM practice activities that provide the best impact will definitely become a benchmark to other Malaysian educational institutions.


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