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Type :thesis
Subject :HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
Main Author :Rakhees, Arafat Abdali
Title :Dysfunctional martial relationship in Edward Albee\'s plays: a psychoanalytic analysis
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2020
Notes :with cd
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The aim of this study was to investigate dysfunctional marital relationships in Edward Albee's plays using psychoanalytic analysis. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, The Ballad of The Sad  Café, A Delicate Balance and The Goat, or Who IS Sylvia? were Albee's plays that were selected for  this study. A Freudian psychoanalytic theory of personality was used to examine the psyches of the  couples' characters in order to reveal the psychological reasons behind their dysfunctional marital  relationships. The findings of the study exposed that each one of married couples has undergone  traumatic experiences in the past, a matter which affected their personalities. The spouses   suffered  from  turbulent  childhood,  intrapsychic  conflicts,  unresolved complexes, and sexual  deviations. Consequently, most of them were dominated by the id and have weak superegos. Besides,  the study uncovered the connection between Albee's personal life and the selected plays, and showed  his attitudes towards the lifestyle of the American society. The study revealed that the selected  plays were flashbacks that revisit Albee's own pains, wounds and traumas. The playwright sublimated  his distress into writing where he expressed his sad memories, repressed desires, wishes and  disclosed his psyche. Further, the study displayed that Albee was discontent with the American  civilized society where the very concept of love has been distorted and corrupted. In conclusion,  the Freudian psychoanalytic reading of husband/wife characters in Albee's selected plays can help  to understand the psychological dimensions of human personality and make the reader aware of the  unconscious psychological forces which control people's psyches, leading to their perverse  behaviours and unacceptable actions. The study implicates that introducing Albee’s plays as case  studies would assist therapists and psychoanalysts in diagnosing and treating married couples who  are emotionally disturbed or psychologically troubled.  


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