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Type :article
Subject :QA Mathematics
ISSN : 0127-9386
Main Author :Riyan Hidayat
Additional Authors :Hilman Qudratuddarsi
Nurul Hijja Mazlan
Mohd Zaidi Mohd Zeki
Title :Evaluation of a test measuring mathematical modelling competency for Indonesian college students
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Background and Purpose: Mathematical modelling competency isone of the vital characteristics in mathematics education. Educational researchers have updated the benefit of modelling as key factor to the  study  of  complexity  and  modern  science.Since  many  scholars  frequently  adopt instrument from one cultural background to another, they alsooffer proof on the issue of validity and reliability. The present paper aimed at validating a mathematical modelling test for secondary prospective mathematics teachers.Methodology: We  utilized  a  survey  approach  to  examine  the  factor  structure  of  mathematical modelling  test  for 202secondary  prospective  mathematics  teachers,  selected  by  cluster  random sampling. Mathematical   modeling   test   was   adapted   to   measure   the   desired   constructs. More importantly,  we  used  exploratory  factor  analysis  (EFA),  confirmatory  factor  analysis  (CFA) using AMOS 18 and Rasch measurement model with Winstep version 3.73 to analyze the data. Findings:The EFA and CFA technique verified that a mathematical modelling test was acceptable for Indonesian prospective mathematics teachers. In addition, Rasch analysis also confirmedthat all items fit the criteria well and implied that all items are valid inmeasuring student mathematical modelling competency.  This  finding  concludesthatthe  mathematical  modelling  test  of  Indonesian  prospective mathematics teachers have an eight-dimension structure.  Contributions: This present researchcontributes towardspsychometric measure on the reliability and validity of amathematical modelling testin mathematics education programs.Keywords:Confirmatory  factor  analysis,  mathematical  modelling  competency,  Rasch  measurement model


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