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Type :thesis
Main Author :Fadhil, Sally Saad
Title :The development and evaluation of soft skill employability construct among Malaysian technology industry workers
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study was conducted to explore the impact of soft skills on the employability of graduates and employees in technology industry companies of Malaysia. The objectives of this study are identifying the soft critical skills required by the technology industry sector in Malaysia based on Fuzzy Delphi Analysis, investigating the impact and importance of soft skills on employability and define the most influencing soft skills, and developing a new model which includes the soft skills factors that impact employability. This study was conducted based on a few theories in three domains: soft skills relationship with employability domain, second, soft skills and employability assessment domain, and third, soft skills model and instrument development domain. The leading theory that supports this study is the human capital theory. This study was based on a multi-method research approach. The first method was the Fuzzy Delphi method, which was utilised to identify soft critical skills through the preliminary study. The outcome of the preliminary study produced ten soft critical skills with the employability to form the study framework, namely: Communication Skills, Motivation, Teamwork, Integrity, Trust, Honesty, Attitude, Learnability, Responsibility, Innovation, and Employability. The second method was the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to measure the influence of soft skills on employability of graduates in the technology industry sector of Malaysia. The data sample was collected from employees in two companies, namely Intel corporation and Analog Devices, that included 345 individuals selected based on a stratified random sampling method. In conclusion, the findings confirmed the influence of Communication Skills, Attitude, Integrity, Learnability, Motivation and Teamwork on employability, and this indicated that these skills are the critical factors for employability in Malaysian technology companies. The adoption of these soft skills will be impactful in terms of finding jobs for graduates in Malaysia.


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