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Type :thesis
Subject :HG Finance
Main Author :Curugan, April Ann M
Title :Development and implementation of kwartalino financial education program and its effect on kindergarten learners
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Pusat Penyelidikan Perkembangan Kanak-kanak Negara
Year of Publication :2019
Notes :with CD\r\nPAKK
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a financial education program and determine its effect on kindergartens’ financial literacy. Development of the Kwartalino Financial Education Program involved adaptation of the ADDIE model. Purposive sampling was used in the first phase of the program development and consisted of six kindergarten teachers and five experts. Interview with teachers revealed essential components of the program like appropriate learning activities, relevant instructional materials, and active parent involvement. Data from comparative analysis and financial education standards checklist show appropriate financial lessons for kindergarten children. Experts confirmed the program’s content validity. In the second phase to determine the effect of the Kwartalino program on kindergarten’s financial knowledge, a quasi-experimental with experimental group (n=38) and control group (n=36) with pre-and post-test design. Simple random sampling was employed to determine two kindergarten classes (n=74) from eight morning classes (N=304) in a public school. A 40-item financial knowledge test was developed and used for pre-tests and post-tests. Kwartalino was implemented for three months. Result of the independent sample t-test shows that there was a significant difference between the means of the post-tests of the experimental group (M=30.71; SD=2.94) and the control group (M=26.17; SD=3.39); t(72)=6.17, p


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