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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The aim of the study was to determine the effects of ‘happy’ emotions during learning on the performances of addition and subtraction among grade 1 Filipino pupils. Specifically, the study sought to determine if ‘happy’ emotion induced by background music, colorful materials or a combination of the two could improve the performance of grade 1 Filipino pupils in addition and subtraction. Teaching aids were developed utilizing ‘happy’ emotion through Filipino children’s music as background, colorful materials or a combination of the two. A quasi-experiment was conducted with 4 groups (music group, n=83; color group, n=80; combination of music & color group, n=87 and control group, n=70) from two schools in Manila. The control group was taught the same lessons without the teaching aids. Ten Filipino children’s music were selected to be background music. The results showed that nine out of these ten Filipino children’s music were effective background music in inducing happy emotions. As for the colors, the results showed that gold, yellow, green, rose, orange, red and blue were better inducers of happy emotions than purple, grey and black & white. Statistically significant differences (F(3,316) = 15.009, p < .001) were found in the performance of pupils in addition and subtraction, wherein, the pupils in the music group (m = 1.58, sd = 3.85, p < .001), color group (m = 1.80, sd = 3.276, p < .001), and music & color group (m = 2.25, sd = 3.17, p < .001) performed better than the control group. Nevertheless, there was no statistical significant differences among the three interventions of music, color or music & color. The study concluded that ‘happy’ emotions, whether with the use of music, color or music & color, was able to significantly improve the addition and subtraction performances of grade 1 pupils. This study recommended that ‘happy’ emotions be utilized in the teaching of grade 1 Mathematics in the Philippines. |
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