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Type :thesis
Subject :BF Psychology
Main Author :Tng, Soo Ting
Title :The determinants of internet gaming disorder disorder symptoms through avatar identification among multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) gamers
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The popular game genre, multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), contain addictive features. Concerns arise when gamers experience adverse consequences, particularly Internet gaming disorder’s (IGD) symptoms. An examination of determinants is crucial to develop a clearer picture of IGD. Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) was applied to ground the formation of the conceptual framework. There are several research objectives: (1) to identify the cut-off value of the nine-item IGD Scale (short form) and determine the prevalence rate of the disordered group, (2) examine the predictive effects of social phobia, depression, motivations of gaming (achievement, socialisation, and immersion), and identification of avatar on IGD’s symptoms, and (3) explore the mediating effect of identification of avatar among the relationships. The present study applied translation and adaption of the used measures. The conceptual translation was performed to ensure the original meanings of items were retained while adapting to the local context. A crosssectional descriptive design and purposive sampling method were implemented to collect 1,175 sets of responses via online survey. After data cleaning, 1,068 sets of responses were retained for final analyses. The present study discovered that social phobia, depression, achievement motivation, immersion motivation, and identification of avatar positively predicted IGD’s symptoms, whereas socialisation motivation as a negative predictor. Identification of avatar was found as a significant mediator for all key determinants (except depression) and IGD’s symptoms. Theoretically, the examination of mediating effect extended the application of UGT by illustrating clearer interplay between the determinants and IGD. The significant mediation reflected its suitability of UGT in the study context. Practical implications were suggested in providing prevention and intervention programs to at-risk youth (e.g., experience mental issues). Shaping youth's positive characteristics should always be placed as the top priority given that youth are the impetus who bring revolutionary changes and improvement in a nation.


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