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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
Main Author :Kho, Fanny Chee Yuet
Additional Authors :Zaid, Khayri
Pupung Puspa Ardini
Kumaran Gengatharan
Yip, Chan Ling
Title :Preschool teachers peer leadership readiness in mobilizing fun innovative inquiry in the New Horizon
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The main purpose was to assess preschool teachers’ peer leadership readiness in mobilizing ‘Fly with virtual Peer-Led Fun Innovative Inquiry’ (Fly with v-PeLFII) whilst validating the effectiveness of ‘Fly with virtual Peer-Led Fun Innovative Inquiry Model’ (Fly with v-PeLFII Model). The 3-point likert scale survey instrument which consists of seven constructs were gathered from 35 preschool teachers who attended the ‘Fly with v-PeLFII 21’ virtual workshop. Comparative analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test of ‘Fly with v-PeLFII Model’ and descriptive statistics were utilized to analyze the data. The increased percentage from Pre-Test to Post-Test within the range of 57.14 percent to 71.43 percent revealed that 35 preschool teachers from Perak are ready to lead their peer teachers in mobilizing fun innovative inquiry in the new horizon. The result also portrayed that the newly developed ‘Fly with v-PeLFII Model’ was an effective online fun innovative inquiry approach to enhance Malaysian preschool teachers’ peer leadership competency in mobilizing the ‘Fly with v-PeLFII Model’, as well as transforming new ways of delivering interesting and enjoyable instructions in the new horizon. It was also revealed that the combination of various fun innovative inquiry led to various enjoyable hands-on learning activities via virtual and non-virtual interaction platforms. ‘Fly with v-PeLFII Model’ is also subjected for further validation and assessment locally and globally.  


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