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Type :article
Subject :HF Commerce
ISSN :2222-6990
Main Author :Kesavan Nallaluthan
Additional Authors :Logaiswari Indiran
Shathees Baskaran
Bathmavathy Dalayga
Title :Business incubator: the genesis, evolution, and innovation invigoration
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Global trends and advancements, economic demands, technological revolutions, and challenges are among some of the factors contributing towards the creation of business incubators to nurture fledgling startups to upscale and accelerate their business development. Although it is widely acknowledged that incubation models have changed over the years, yet not many aware of the value propositions that have been evolved over the past decades. Therefore, this study starts with the genesis of business incubation which was retraced in the 1950s. Thus, by using typology methodology, this study reviews the evolution of business incubators into three phases, namely first generation; economy of scale, second-generation; knowledge-based service, and the third generation; access to external resources, knowledge, and legitimacy. To provide comprehensive data, the methodology used was the integrative review of the literature. This study suggests the incubators’ strategy and value proposition should be based on the current trend, challenges, needs, and opportunities in the context of startups. Keywords: Business Incubators, Genesis, Evolution, Generation, Startups


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