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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to find out the contents of the book Amthilati from the aspect, presentation. The study developed by the researcher utilizing a descriptive qualitative research method is a study made based on existing designs. Descriptive research aims to survey using library research instruments and documentation to collect data. The sample to be examined is the differentiation procedure which is the explanation of Nahwu Ṣarf into the language understood by the students, the ostensive procedure which is to use the object of action and situation to explain, the pictorial procedure which is to use pictures or other media, and the contextual procedure which is the abstract explanation: definition, numeration, substitution, metaphor and multiple contexts. Based on the research done, it is found that this book meets the requirements of the sample book allocated for Annatiqiina bigairiha (not native speakers) at the beginner level. Based on the research done, it is found that the book Amthilati is presented using a table which is then explained using the first language and Javanese language in Latin alphabets and Pegon alphabets (Arabic Jawi) that are appropriate to the culture of learning Arabic in Indonesia. The conclusion is that this book is in line with Mackey's theory which looks from the aspect of the presentation. The analysis of this study can be used as a guide and explanatory method needed for students who want to start a basic knowledge of Nahwu Ṣarf to understand the book of Turath.
Keywords: Presentation, Amthilati, Nahwu Ṣarf, Annatiqiina Bighairiha, Books for Beginners |
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