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Type :article
Subject :QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
ISSN :2252-8822
Main Author :Noor Banu binti Mahadir Naidu
Additional Authors :Nurul Nadia Ibrahim
Title :Digital citizenship skills among undergraduate students in Malaysia: A preliminary study
Place of Production :Tanjung Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan
Year of Publication :2021
Notes :International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
HTTP Link :Click to view web link

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of the study was to examine level of digital citizenship skills among undergraduate students at the Sultan Idris Education University, Perak, Malaysia. The study focused on three sub-variables of digital citizenship skills; online wellbeing, online learning and online safety. The paper present report from a questionnaire conducted on 1000 students from nine different faculties. Items for each variable were constructed based on literature highlights related to digital citizenship framework and through experts? validation. A descriptive statistic was used in determined the level of digital citizenship skills among the undergraduate students. The findings of the study showed that the level of digital citizenship skills of students is at a high level. This study expected to help stakeholders to further emphasize the study of digital citizenship and digital citizenship education in Malaysia in more detail. ? 2021, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.


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