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Type :thesis
Main Author :Mazatul Azrin Rahman
Title :Systematic morphology, anatomy and numerical evaluation of Clerodendrum Peninsular Malaysia
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Year of Publication :2018
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The aim of this study was to investigate the Clerodendrum interspecific variations toward morphological and anatomical characters in order to determine their taxonomic significance. Both anatomical and morphological characters of taxonomic significance were then used to construct dichotomous key for species of the genus. The distribution of the genus in designated locations were also recorded and mapped. A total number of 16 Clerodendrum species and Tectona grandis as an out-group species were collected from several reserved forest in Peninsular Malaysia. The herbarium voucher specimens were carefully examined and the characters were recorded. Anatomical slide of leaf transverse sections was prepared using modification of standard microtechnique method. Observed morphological and anatomical data were numerically analyse using MultiVariate Statistical Package (MVSP) and Phylogeny Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP). Result shows morphological character are of taxonomic significance at genus level. Leaf shape, inter 2nd vein, leaf venation, petiole length and petiole hair proved to be of diagnostic characters. In contrary, anatomical characters are highly significant at species level. Type of midrib outline, petiole vascular bundle and presence of subsidiary bundles proved to be unique toward almost all members. Multivariate analysis of both morphological and anatomical characters shows an overall high GGSc at 0.66 – 0.97. PAUP analysis however, favour morphological characters over anatomical characters with CI, RI and HI recorded at 0.6121, 0.420 and 0.3879 respectively. Therefore, these findings support the classification of Olmstead in 1995 and partly of Yuan et. al, in 2010 based on molecular classification. It is concluded, both morphological and anatomical characters are of high taxonomic value but at different taxanomic levels. C. chinense and three unnamed species are subjected to further study for species confirmation. This study implicates that both morphological and anatomical characters can be used to complements current classification of Clerodendrum and serve as important taxonomic references.


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