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Type :thesis
Subject :T Technology
Main Author : Al Haideri, Abdulhadi Qays Abdulhadi
Title :Decision by Opinion Score Method (DOSM) a novel solution for multi criteria decision making problem
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2020
Notes :with cd
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This research aimed to propose a new multi-criteria decision-making method called “Decision by Opinion Score Method” (DOSM), which was based on the idea of an ideal solution that has been  utilized for reference comparison. This research used the TOPSIS method to design DOSM because both  depended on an ideal solution to solve the MCDM problem. Meanwhile, TOPSIS consisted of a series of  mathematical operations that has several problems, and DOSM was intended to solve these problems.   DOSM rank was obtained from direct aggregation, or compromise rank, or grey relational analysis.  The case study in a computer network was used in this research which has 9 alternatives (A1- A9)  and four criteria. Three experts were involved in the evaluation for the reference comparison  process to obtain the best alternative. The result of A9 obtained 88.8% in terms of ranking and it  was the best alternative for experts 1 and 3. For expert 2, A1 was ranked as the worst alternative  and the A5 was ranked the best alternative. DOSM was also developed for group decision making with  internal and external aggregation besides the voting method. In an internal aggregation, A4 was the  best alternative with direct aggregation and compromise rank, while A9 was the best alternative for  grey relational. As for external aggregation, the best alternative was A9 for direct aggregation  and grey relational analysis ranks. For the voting method, A9 obtained a majority of votes (66.7%)  was the winner, which has the plurality and majority. A4 was the winner of the Borda method with 23  scores. The second case study for the mobile section problem was solved by DOSM, AHP, and BWM. A  comparison was made among them to demonstrate the significance of DOSM. In conclusion, the DOSM is  an effective solution for multi criteria decision making problems. This study implicates that DOSM  is an optimal method for making decision and it could be applied in different real-life situations.  


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